Data-Driven Flight Planning App & EFB
8Flight Aviator
5x more accurate flight planning information. V2.0 out now!The only source for:
Forecast Weather, actual Fuel Prices (including contract), FBO fees, restaurants, & more!Full VFR/IFR EFB!

8Flight Difference
Feature | 8Flight | Everyone Else |
Accurate Fuel Prices | 98% | ~20% |
Accurate FBO Fees & Hours | 95% | <5% |
Restaurants, Hotels, Museums, Fly-Ins | Updated Daily | None |
Forecasts on the Map | All, Hourly for 7-Days | Few <18 hrs |
Realtime Radar, Satellite, AWOS | Yes | 15 - 60 min old |
All AIRMETs/SIGMETs | Yes | Some, often incorrect |
Offline/Inflight Flight Planning | Yes | No |
Offline/Inflight Forecasts | Yes | No |
High Resolution Maps | 9x more iPhone screen space | Zoom in to read |
10x Faster | Easy to compare weather, etc. | Slow |
Full IFR Price | $99/yr | $210-370/yr |
More Coming Soon | Weekly | Rarely Ever |
Modern Flight Planning
Fly More, Waste Less Time
Everything in one app. iOS and Mac.

8Flight Aviator
Save 30 minutes in phone calls on your next trip.Every week (or day).Our team collects & verifies all the data you need, so you can just fly.

Critical Information
Accurate FBO fees, fuel prices (including contract fuel), price trends, airport restaurants & hotels.Including hours and offline details, so you can plan even in flight.

8Flight has the fastest-updating, highest-resolution weather radar of any app.Global hourly forecasts (radar / clouds / etc) lets you plan around the weather 7 days in advance.
8Flight Aviator
The Future of GA is Here
New data, presented in new ways, so you don't even have to think about it. And so much more to come.

Always Up to Date
Our trip data undergoes refresh and verification processes 24/7, and downloads to your app seamlessly so you never have to worry about missing anything. And our weather updates faster than anyone else's.
Filter by Self Serve or Full Serve & Hours
$4 fuel is great these days, but sometimes you want to pay $4.50 to sit inside while someone does it for you.And sometimes passengers want an FBO that's open. right. now.Or an airport restaurant. Or an FBO with ice cream.
New Features Weekly
Version 1.0 of 8Flight was the culmination of two years of work on many fronts, and we're only just getting started.
Like a magic 8-Ball for your flight planning
The Most Affordable EFB
Buy your time back. Get off the phone, go fly.
8Flight Data
Try free for 30 days
Real Airport Data
Advanced Mappable Weather
7-day hourly graphical forecasts
Fastest Updating, Most Complete Weather
Readable VFR Charts
Route Planning
TFRs / NOTAMs / Airport Info
8Flight Aviator
$8 $4.99
Try free for 30 days
8Flight Data, plus...
One-Touch Planning & Filing
IFR Charts / Procedures
Weather-Aware Routing (soon)
Pro Performance Profiles (soon)
ADS-B / Synthetic Vision (soon)
Weight & Balance (soon)
Save 30+ Minutes on Every Trip
Don't spend an hour calling 4 FBOs at each of 3 airports. We already did.
The app has five main tabs:Airports
With FBO fees by aircraft category, fuel pricing, and other details. At the top you'll find the airport diagram (tap to open full screen), airport details, and sunrise/sunset and moonrise/moonset times (and phase) when the moon is at least 25% illuminated.
Tapping the nearest button on the left will bring up the nearest airport, tapping a second time will reveal a list of nearest airports to select from. The map button on the right will show the current airport on the chart. - Freq for instant access to airport frequencies. Fast Frequency buttons summarize frequencies in one glance at the top, and tapping a frequency type (eg. "App") will scroll immediately to those frequencies. - Info is where you can find A/FD (Chart Supplement) remarks, Airport A/FD entries and Taxi Diagrams, and (for 8Flight Aviator plan subscribers) IFR plates (SID, STAR, Approach). - Weather tab where you can see the latest weather for that airport, including "1-minute" AWOS data where available, nearest METAR, nearest TAF, and soon D-ATIS. - FBOs lists FBOs with fees and fuel prices by aircraft category, as well as hours and other amenities offered (like free ice cream). You can tap an FBO to call them or open in Google Maps. - NOTAMS lists airport NOTAMs ordered by most recently updated. (Airport NOTAMs are not currently available offline, but Briefings are, and we have big improvements coming to NOTAMs in February.)
Where you can view a mosaic FAA VFR sectional (and for Aviator subscribers, IFR low/high charts), overlaid with whatever data you select from the left-side toolbar: METARs/TAFs
, FBO fees
for the currently selected category (from the Airports tab), fuel prices
(100LL / Jet, all or full-serve only), airport restaurants
(and FBOs with ice cream), airport hotels
, and "Open Now"
to filter data to display only FBOs/restaurants that are open at the selected time. You can tap the screen to show/hide the controls. Select any map item for more details (and tap the magenta airport symbol on any airport weather details to go to that airport's full information.)The layers button at the top left allows you to select the current chart and weather overlay (realtime/forecast radar/tops, realtime IR satellite cloud tops, forecast icing, forecast turbulence, forecast clouds, and forecast winds/temps (<FL180 blue if <0C, orange if >ISA+15, black otherwise; FL180+ blue if <ISA-15, orange if >ISA+15, black otherwise).
Any layer with multiple vertical levels will display a slider on the right side of the screen to select the desired altitude. Radar, clouds, and winds are available hourly to 7-days; other layers are currently limited to 18 hours. (The winds display is currently in beta and may experience issues updating/hiding winds; this will be fixed and fully functional in the next minor release in 1-2 weeks.)AIRMETs/SIGMETs, PIREPs, special use airspace, and airspace/security NOTAMs (like TFRs) are always displayed. Tap on any to view more details. Airspace (colored according to type) and TFRs (red) active within the next hour are displayed for the selected time. When the current/realtime is selected, TFRs active within the next 48 hours are displayed in orange. (8Flight is the only app to display full airspace schedules, as well as all AIRMETs/SIGMETs and for their correct valid times.)Tap and hold anywhere on the map to bring up airspace details and nearby airports and waypoints. - Timeline: at the bottom allows you to display data for the selected time -- weather (currently: AIRMETs/SIGMETs
, TAFs
, and forecast weather radar
) or FBOs
that are open at that time (if "Open Now" is also selected). You can tap and drag the selected time or tap the left/right arrows above the timeline to change the selected day/time. - Location: Selecting the Charts tab icon again will center the map on your current location and track it until you move the map again manually. Selecting it once more after centering / while tracking, will rotate the map to a “track-up” view. - Search: at the top allows you to zoom to a particular airport or fix or plot a route between several airports/waypoints. 8Flight's unique "Route Search" continues to present results as you type so you can rapidly search for every point in your route (soon all waypoints and airways/procedures too).
You can also tap and drag the plotted route to add/remove additional waypoints. - Flight Plan Controller: at the top summarizes route data and allows you to edit flight plan parameters. Select / configure an "Aircraft", then select / configure an appropriate "Performance Profile" (user configurable climb/cruise/descent profiles, with prebuilt per-aircraft profiles coming in a couple weeks for Aviator subscribers). Then once you have a route entered either via the search bar or by tapping any "+" box to begin entering route elements in the flight plan view, you can compare "Altitudes" or select from "Routes" suggestions. "Reverse" the route or "Clear Route." Aviator subscribers can "Save Flight" to send the current flight plan to the Flights view and generate a navlog or briefing and file / amend IFR/VFR flight plans or activate / close VFR flight plans.Tap and drag on the handle at the bottom to resize the flight plan controller, or tap the handle / data fields to quickly show or hide the editor while keeping the Dist / ETE / ETA / Fuel / Wind information on the screen.8Flight automatically downloads weather aloft for the region of your flight, allowing you to make changes offline on the fly, generally anywhere within at least hundreds of miles and several hours of your route.
Allows you to create, organize, and view flights for planning, briefing, or filing. Create or select a flight to view and edit details, generate navlogs and briefings, or view an expected IFR route after filing. In an individual flight, tapping the map button will send that flight to the map. When you're ready, tap "File" to enter/review final details and scroll to the bottom to file a flight plan.
Offers a notetaking space to draw / write notes with undo / redo and clear.
Where you can configure account settings, add and view your contract jet fuel programs, and more.
In general, any information viewed anywhere in the app will then be available offline as well.
What about other data like TFRs, NOTAMs, Frequencies, etc?
8Flight is now a full EFB, with airport details (frequencies, runway info, etc), NOTAMs (including all TFRs), military airspace activations (including ones that no other EFB provides), and more.Can I file a flight plan?
8Flight features one-touch planning, filing, and briefing (with built-in aircraft performance profiles coming soon). This is part of the new 8Flight Aviator subscription tier ($8/mo) that includes IFR charts and plates.What about IFR charts and plates?
Full IFR charts and georeferenced plates are available with the 8Flight Aviator subscription plan.Do you have a desktop / web version?
The app is currently available on iOS, iPadOS, and (Apple Silicon) Macs. You can download it from the App Store on any recent Apple device.